Thursday, January 19, 2012


I have been contemplating on how to really start my blog....and i really still haven't come up with an answer. So i have decided just to start typing. I have found a new friend and in my world that means a whole lot to me. Ashley I'm talking about you now lol. In my world the friends I have found either only call you when they need something or they try and take your wife from you. These are the things I compete with everyday. Feeling inadequate as a husband and father is probably on top of my list. That being said to find a friend who I don't believe who would ever intentially hurt me is one of the most precious gifts ever. I'm normally persecuted for my beliefs from the jump, or people pretend to believe the same way I do, but don't live up to the standards of my beliefs. I guess it is wrong to hold other people to my standards, but I just feel like if I can live and be a good person by my standards. Why can't other people?

I read somewhere that if you want to be a better person you must surround yourself with people better than you. Ultimately I think that is because you can't learn from somebody who knows less than you do so that person becomes a sort of leech, and I don't mean all people but certain people in my life whom I will not name particularly, and instead of sharing information with each other its a one way street.

I will give anything to anyone who is willing to help me back in my time of need as well. I think its time to rethink some of the people in my life starting with the main leech who lives with me, that is not my wife. Time to move into a new home, get new friends (hi Ashley hope you know I consider you one of these new friends ), and definitely get back to being me. I've drifted so far from myself I've forgotten I am the one who controls my moods and my destiny. Empathy can be a powerful thing when you tend to lose yourself because of the people around you. When your emotions are changed on a whim by the people around you, sometimes you forget those are not your own emotions and then lose yourself.

I think its time to get back to my roots again maybe even start practicing magick once again. Some people may say I'm going to hell, and my reply is always to ask them why and when they say because your not Christian, I have only one reply to them,....neither was Jesus. I happen to. Believe there is a god and a goddess and this is based on more than just hearsay or beliefs I've been told. Look around us everything (besides single cell organisms) have both a male and a female half. Take us for example we have males and females I just don't thing that is a coincidence. Animals have both male and females, even trees and plants have males and females (yes they do look it up the germination of plants) sure god created us in his image, but god created women in the goddess image. My beliefs are a bit different than that, but the symantics are not necessary when speaking about logic. So if I'm going to hell for thinking outside what I have been told my entire life, and not just taking it for what people have told me, guess I will see you there, because anybody who is telling me I'm going to hell better read their own Bible, judging people is a sin that is also punishable by hell.


That's what I call people who are told something and they just believe it because they think they have to have faith. You can have faith and not be blind to the world around you. I can discuss religion, but it seems most other people can not because they always have a closed mind from what they've been told. I don't know if Jesus really lived and performed miracles, I WASN'T THERE, which means to me he could have , or maybe he was just a guy like me trying to make it in the world.

Sometimes I think about what I've read in the bible and it seems to skip a lot of Jesus life when he was younger. I think that means possibly Jesus had a regular life making mistakes and learning just like we all do, then one day god sends him a message oh your my son maybe even coming down to earth with the goddess and telling Jesus he is the son of a god and goddess. I like to imagine how that would make me feel. Maybe Jesus rebelled against it for a while, or had a mental breakdown because he couldn't process that, maybe that's why part of his life is not in the bible. Maybe Jesus hated god for only making him a carpenter and had to learn life's lessons in order to understand and see the true meaning of what he was supposed to teach and why he must have had to have humble roots to show the people he was no better than the lowliest of sinners.

Yes I'm saying I believe Jesus was not perfect , I know burn me at the stake AGAIN (little reincarnation humor), I believe he was human who learned to be something more, and that gives me hope for myself. It gives me hope for all of us.

HOPE - it's a powerful thing.

FAITH - belief in something you don't fully understand

LOVE - what we should have for everybody no matter what

Everybody is fighting a battle - so remember when your fighting yours; you don't know what the person next to you is going through it may be worse than your battles so be kind to everyone

I know I've switched topics a bit and I'm sorry for that

With that I say goodnight

Peace, love, and happiness to everyone

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